Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Dear viewers
In to-day'S message I would like to brief about the 1000 th year celebrations of AZHWAN.
A trust is being formed to conduct the above function in a grand scale in the year 2010 through
out India .The following projects have been announced by the trust.
1. Release of a book about the glory of AZHWAN in several languages.
2. Release of PANCHASTHAVAM ( the five great works of Azhwan ) along with its commentry.
3. Release of KOORESA VIMSATI and KOORANATHA PANCHAASAT ( the two works about
4. Release of MP 3 cds of PANCHASTHAVAM along with meanings( Discourse type )
5. Conducting VIDHVAT SADAS by calling elderly and educated VIDHWANS
6. Arranging an EXHIBITION CENTRE in KOORAM the birthplace of AZHWAN.
7. Creating a CARPUS FUND to conduct the daily poojas to SRI AZHWAN without any break.
and many more projects like this.

In this juncture I would like to add or caution the devotees to contribute your donations
or offerings only to SRI KOORATHAZHWAN CHARITABLE TRUST , 19/37 Rathinakudil
Apartments,T.P,Koil street,TRIPLICANE, CHENNAI-600 005. which is the only trust
organising the above projects/celebrations of AZHWAN'S 1000 in the year 2010.
The official website is: sri kuresan .com Ph.nos. 26642344 28447520 98402 54354

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.